p/s: iklan ini tidak tertakluk pada sahabat-sahabiah JUST sahaja kerana ini promosi untuk semua!!
Khusus untuk mereka yang berminat mendalami bahasa Arab seantero URDUN. Bagi mereka yang ada rakan2 di mantiqah lain juga digalakkan untuk hantar emel ini pada mereka.
Arabic college is a leading provider of online Arabic language courses with the most advanced online technology.
With over 80 years of teaching experience, the’re committed to offer professional Arabic training programs, which will enable our learners to speak, understand, read and write the Arabic language the way a native speaker does.
With ArabiCollege, you can choose from a variety of Arabic learning methods available 24 hours a day.
Live Classroom
Attend live lessons face to face with our certified teachers.
Multimedia Courses
All you need to know and Learn about Arabic "Full Multimedia Module".
Interactive Course
Access full Multimedia Flash Material (8 units).
Documents Bank
Find materials and files related to the Arabic language. We will upload files from time to time at your disposal.
Practice Conversation
Welcome anytime to practice your conversation skills with other students and native Arabic speakers.
Learning Community
Chat with your colleagues and enjoy your time with them.
1-Harga istimewa untuk pelajar Malaysia ialah 56JD sebulan! Sekiranya penyertaan kelas secara beramai-ramai, kos berkemungkinan besar dapat dikurangkan.
2-Lebih murah berbanding kelas di Markaz Lughah di tempat-tempat lain. [mengikut pendapat wakil Arabicollege]
3-Waktu fleksibel iaitu bergantung kepada kesesuaian dan kelapangan masa. Soal masa boleh dibincang secara persendirian dengan guru secara dalam talian.
4-Tiada silibus yang khusus. Ini bermakna silibus bergantung kepada pelajar, mengikut keperluan pelajar dan dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak.
5-Terbuka kepada semua! Tidak tertakluk pada mereka yang di JUST sahaja! Pelajar Yarmouk, al-Ahliyah, al-Bayt, Mu’tah dan semua termasuk mereka yang bukan pelajar dan telah bekerja juga dijemput serta!
6-Cara pembelajaran yang pelbagai dan kreatif seperti yang tertera di iklan di atas.
Sebarang persoalan lanjut boleh dikemukakan terus pada:
** sebagai menyampaikan amanah dari wakil ArabiCollege yang berminat mengajar pelajar Malaysia seantero Urdun seperti yang telah dinyatakan oleh mereka dalam perjumpaan bersama BPL MMJ 09/10.
The government has taken the decision to recognize University Malaya (UM) which is one of the four public universities in Malaysia to be a research university. In pursuance to this, efforts need to be initiated in order to further upgrade research activities among lectures/researches of UM.
Such efforts to upgrade research activities need to be promoted aggressively in order to ensure that UM is able to compete in the areas of current and latest research and also to place itself among one of the best universities in the world in the near future.
Among the steps taken to upgrade research and publications in UM is the move to select outstanding researchers (Bright Spark) from within UM and other universities to serve with UM.
To ensure that this initiative can be implemented effectively, a special programme to conduct this activity needs to be established. This programme is called the Bright sparks Programme (BSP) and the controlling unit for this is the Bright Spark Unit (BSU).
Admission into the Bright Sparks Programme (BSP)
Application into participate in SBP is opened to qualified candidates who fulfil the established criteria irrespective of the whether the candidate is a student/graduate of UM or other universities. The age of the candidate must not exceed 40 years at the time of application. The criteria for application is dependent on the pathways of entry. The qualified candidate may apply for admission into BSP through one of the 4 pathways listed below.
a. A candidate who is currently pursuing a Bachelor degree (Year 1, 2 or 3) or has recently completed his/her Bachelor’s degree.
b. A candidate who is currently pursuing a Master’s degree or has recently completed his/her Master’s.
c. A candidate who is currently pursuing a Phd degree or has recently completed his/her Phd.
d. A post Phd candidate (internal or external) who has been identified as an accomplished researcher.
Entry, Selection and Evaluation Process
All application seeking to participate in the bright spark programme must be directed to BSU. Application forms can be obtained online from the BSU web page. The forms must be sent directly to BSU who will liase with the respective faculty to process the applications.
BSU will also collaborate with the Academic Division and Human Resource Division in the selection process for admission into BSP.
All BSP candidates required to submit their progress report every 6 months for evaluation by the BSU.
i- Exclusively designed programme for high achievers.
ii- Out of classroom learning by doing reasearches.
iii- Get paid for all successful researches and if the candidate is an under loan student, they will pay for his/her loan.
iv- High possibility of going Malaysia to and fro frequently in order to fulfill their researches’ requirement.
v- Even if the candidates were unable to produce two articles regarding their researches, there is no risk of them being dropped from the programme as bright students are always deserved to be sponsored.
For more inquiries, please contact:
Dr. Hassan Basri
Department Of Malaysian Studies,
Cairo University, Egypt.
Tel/ fax: +202-3569-4120, Mobile: 010-3954493
E-mail: hasbri@um.edu.my
**Full criteria for the candidate can be obtained from MMJ’s Bureau of Foreign Affairs 09/10.
Jemputan Khas untuk pelajar tahun 1, 2, 3 perubatan!
Perjumpaan bersama Dekan Fakulti Perubatan JUST di Red Hall, KAUH. 19 November 2009 4 petang
Bakal dihadiri oleh para pelajar dari seluruh fakulti perubatan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dan kewarganegaraan! Ayuh ramaikan kehadiran pelajar Malaysia!
p/s : perjumpaan ini akan diadakan selepas briefing How to Prepare for USMLE di dewan yang sama.
Attention for all students, JUST will be organizing a talk regarding 'How to prepare for the USMLE' and opens for all students from the first to sixth year. The details are as follows :
Assalamualaikum. Apa khabar semua? Mesti sedang berjuang dalam kesejukan, kan? Sebenarnya, entri ini khas untuk mempromosikan alat-alat bantu belajar yang boleh memaksimakan pemahaman pembelajaran dalam jalan ilmu ini :). Ya, kita memang banyak bergantung pada lecture notes dan slide doctor untuk menghadapi peperiksan. Jadi, apa perlunya alat-alat ini?
Sebagai tambahan kepada apa yang telah kami iklankan beberapa minggu lepas tentang tempahan alat-alat bantu belajar dan buku-buku perubatan, kami daripada biro Ekonomi MMJ ingin menambah beberapa bahan rujukan untuk pelajar-pelajar pergigian.
Pernahkah anda mengalamigejala-gejala seperti keletihan, dahaga yang tersangat, sering lapar, penurunan berat badan, sering ke tandas,hilang tumpuan, muntah-muntah dan sakit perut, kebas di kaki dan tangan, penglihatan menjadi kabur, sering jatuh sakit dan luka yang lambat sembuh?
Bismillahir rahmannir rahim & Allahumma solli ‘ala saidina Muhammad.
Setinggi2 kesyukuran kita panjatkan pada Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurnia-Nya, pada tahun ini seramai 30 ahli MMJ(selepas pembetulan)berjaya mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang hingga dapat meletakkan diri mereka dalam tangga atau senarai DEKAN atau nama lainnya ‘DEANLIST’. Tahniah dan Syabas kami ucapkan!
Most of the JUST students have already finished their 1st exam. Some may have good marks, but some may not. But, whatever it is, the journey has to be continued. Keep chasing pavements and don’t give up for the upcoming ones. And now the 2nd exam is just around the corner. So, don’t allow any distractions come over us towards the success.
There was once, a story has been told, about a wise and holy man who was a recluse in a cave mountain..
Untuk pengetahuan anda, kami telah cari hingga Amman sebuah kedai buku yang boleh membantu kita semua dalam menuntut ilmu perubatan ini. Dalam pencarian tersebut, kami telah bertemu dengan beberapa buku serta bahan-bahan lain yang boleh kita gunakan sebagai medium lain untuk menuntut ilmu. (Edited - Price Included!)